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Stepping Into Our Power

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

When the inspiration to launch this website first started to settle into me, I felt like most everyone else does at such times. Who am I to call myself a guide? I've been known for my wise counsel throughout my life, but have had to overcome a great deal of trauma and insecurity to arrive in this role. The experiences of my life as a young person made me feel unworthy of my own voice. ...But I am simply me. It is not for me to call myself a guide, but simply to be who I am. When I stand in my heartspace, the world receives my gifts. As I've learned to live from this place, I've realized the truest beauty of our world- that it is for us all to live in our own glorious joy in superabundance and harmony. I welcome you to this space I have created. May you find healing and growth here. Much love! ❤️🌞💫

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